The Animals
Kenny, Pebble, Bertie, Louie, Brandy II, Ozzie, Chili, George and Brian star in this mini collage of just some of the extraordinary animals I have sat with to share a healing space. Each individual has been an important teacher for me and I love to tell their stories.

Kathleen Prasad, founder of the Let Animals Lead® method
I began reading the books of Kathleen Prasad and was very drawn to her way of treating animals with the respect for them as equal beings and also with respect for their own innate intelligence. I am proud to say she has been a profound teacher and mentor for me, having again completed all three levels of Usui Reiki with Kathleen, and I even more proudly teach her Let Animals Lead® method.

Torsten A. Lange, Reiki Academy London
My first encounter with Reiki was with the amazing Torsten Lange whose humour and compassion was a perfect fit for my entry in the Reiki world. I experienced such life changing moments during his lessons and still do during subsequent reiki shares or workshops. Torsten shares inspiration from his experiences in both the Western and Japanese lineages and I completed Levels 1-3 (Shoden, Okuden and a wonderful Shinpiden retreat in the Cotswolds) under his tutelage.

Jan Fennell, founder of Amichien Bonding, the origin of Dog Listening
I continue to work proudly and passionately as a Dog Behaviour Specialist, and additionally as part of my Animal Reiki classes, I include bonus education specifically for working with dogs – how to put them at ease and how to stay safe.
For many years I represented Jan Fennell as her Highly Recommended Dog Listener in London and Sussex, working very often with dogs showing aggression towards people and animals, and I have spent a lot of time with rescue organisations and shelters.
Jan’s and Kathleen’s approaches marry so beautifully together in my life because they are fundamentally about respecting the animal.
I use my personal experiences and also share some of the coaching I use as a Dog Listener to ensure the students I teach know how to remain safe with dogs they do not know, and understand how to create the best conditions for dogs to benefit from this beautiful healing energy and practice.