Starting Out Right with Rescue Dogs

A FREE course to help you get it right from your first meeting with your new rescue dog!

Worried about…
- whether you can cope with certain behaviours?
- if his past will affect his future with you?
- how nervous will he be?
- where can you go for help?
- all the "what ifs"?
You can let go of those concerns with this FREE course!
I have lived and worked with rescue dogs for 10+ years and want to help their new humans get it right with some essential & totally accessible guidance!
I designed this course to help you do the right things for your new dog AND be the person your new dog needs you to be!
You will gain an understanding of where the dog’s head is at and what you need to do to minimise challenging rescue dog behaviour, avoiding the main reason that dog adoptions go wrong.
All rescue dogs are in survival mode to some extent. This course will show you what you can do to help them, and crucially guide you about what NOT to do!

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